Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tour de France Femmes '24, Stage 5: You Take Mine

Erica Magnaldi (UAE Team ADQ) went down on her own in a corner about halfway down the peloton.  It seemed odd, she simply lost her rear wheel and slide out on a left-hand bend.  Her teammate Mikayla Harvey stopped to help her pace back to the peloton.  Magnaldi wasn't able to get her chain sorted so Harvey passed her bike over.  Harvey would then wait for a replacement bike and catch up her protected rider.  One small problem, no pun intended, Harvey's bike was too big for the diminutive Italian.  Magnaldi wasn't able to sit on the saddle and pedal her teammates bike.  So in the end, she had to keep riding standing up until her team car got Harvey on her spare, and then caught up to give Magnaldi her spare bike.  Just a case of making a quick decision that actually cost time rather than saving it.  Fortunately, there was still fifty-one kilometers left in the stage, so at least Magnaldi was able to rejoin the peloton long before the end of the stage.

This is a small 4x6 inch original watercolor painting that is available through my website at or you can simply follow the direct link at the end of the post to purchase the painting above. Since it is an original work of art, it is a first come first served reality. The work sells for $95 USD including shipping, but, yes, international shipping is both available and extra.

"You Take Mine TdFF24-23" (Original art by Greig Leach)

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