Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tour de France Femmes, Final Stage: In the Alps

The Tour de France Femmes has been in the Alps since yesterday, but this image just captured the vibe of riding and racing in the French alps for me.  This group of seven has just broken clear of the much larger early break as they started up the Col du Glandon.  On the tail of this group is Alice Maria Arzuffi (Ceratizit-WNT) just ahead of her is Liane Lippert (Movistar) along with Lucinda Brand (Lidl-Trek) and Katrine Aalerud (Uno X-Mobility) to mention a few of those that I can make out in this painting.  They have already built up almost a minute and a half on their erstwhile companions with another 62 kilometers to ride.  The next eleven of those kilometers are up to the top of the mountain.

This is a small 4x6 inch original watercolor painting that is available through my website at or you can simply follow the direct link at the end of the post to purchase the painting above. Since it is an original work of art, it is a first come first served reality. The work sells for $95 USD including shipping, but, yes, international shipping is both available and extra.

"In the Alps TdFF24-38" (Original art by Greig Leach)

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