Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tour '24, Stage 14: Dropping the Last Guy

With just ten kilometers to the summit of the Pla d'Adet and the finish line of stage 14, Ben Healy (EF Education-EasyPost) was able to drop David Gaudu (Groupama-FDJ).  Gaudu was the last of the early breakaway that was still with the Irishman in pink.  The crowds were thick and crowded the roadway two and three people deep.  Happily, with the exception of some setting of flares, they didn't actually impede the progress of the race.  

Spoiler alert - Both of these guys were caught by the chasing group of the yellow jersey, so a stage win wasn't in the cards for either man.  Healy did get the award for the most Combative Rider in today's stage.  I haven't seen one yet, but he will be wearing a red bib number to show that he was the most aggressive in the previous stage.

This is a small 4x6 inch original watercolor painting that is available through my website at or you can simply follow the direct link at the end of the post to purchase the painting above. Since it is an original work of art, it is a first come first served reality. The work sells for $95 USD including shipping, but, yes, international shipping is both available and extra.

"Dropping the Last Guy TdF24-81" (Original art by Greig Leach)

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