Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tour '24, Stage 17: Who's Coming?

Magnus Cort (Uno-X Mobility) looks back over the shoulders of his breakaway companions to see that there is a large group coming after them.  Cort is sporting his new blue mustache that he dyed after reaching 200,000 followers on social media.  A bit unusual for a rest day activity, but one must keep themselves entertained.  Cort had been joined in the break by Romain Gregoire (Groupama-FDJ), Tiesj Benoot (Visma-Lease a Bike), and Bob Jungels (Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe).  They had built up about two minutes before this second group started chasing them.  The group of thirty-some riders had left the now sedate peloton that had all of the top ten of the general classification in its ranks.

This is a small 4x6 inch original watercolor painting that is available through my website at or you can simply follow the direct link at the end of the post to purchase the painting above. Since it is an original work of art, it is a first come first served reality. The work sells for $95 USD including shipping, but, yes, international shipping is both available and extra.

"Who's Coming? TdF24-104" (Original art by Greig Leach)

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