Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tour '24, Stage 17: The Looming Voiture Balai

The Voiture Balai (in the USA it is called the broom wagon) is the last vehicle on the road.  It's there to pick up the guys who can't finish the stage, either by their own decision or by being so far outside the time limit that he will not be able to stay in the race.  Not long after I painted this, the former Irish Champion, Sam Bennett (Decathlon-Ag2r-La Mondiale) pulled of the road and climbed into his silent stalker.  Another sprinter leaves the Tour.

This is a small 4x6 inch original watercolor painting that is available through my website at or you can simply follow the direct link at the end of the post to purchase the painting above. Since it is an original work of art, it is a first come first served reality. The work sells for $95 USD including shipping, but, yes, international shipping is both available and extra.

"The Looming Voiture Balai TdF24-101" (Original art by Greig Leach)

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